His Easter basket is made from an old Enfamil container with fabric modpodged to the container part. The lid was yellow so I left it. Glued squiggly eyes, a pink cotton ball nose, white cotton ball tail, and drew the whiskers and mouth in place. The ears are from a bunny headband. I cut a hole in the top of the container and pulled the ears through it. He already loves the basket with the squiggly eyes!
His loot! I had wanted to make a lot, but ran short on time. The list became:
- (3) Dr. Seuss board books
- The Very Hungry Caterpillar book book
- Oh Baby, Go Baby from Dr. Seuss
- A pair of sunglasses
- A pirate and lion finger puppets
- Two Easter bibs from Target's dollar section
- A super soft Peep plush bunny
- A shakey chicken toy by Fisher-Price. It clucks when shaken.
- (3) Sensory Peep eggs. We filled the eggs with rice, beans, and bells then hot glued them on the inside and outside, smoothing the glue down.
- Not pictured-A hat made from cute chicken and number material.
Looking forward to getting him all dressed up for Easter day!
And lastly: We hung up the Easter wreaths me and my mom made a couple of years ago. We made them from things we found on a trip to the Dollar Tree.
- A vine wreath
- Plastic eggs
- Mini Chicks
- A big bag of Easter grass
- Glitter paint
The ribbon was scrap ribbon. It was a pain hot gluing the grass, but got easier over time. It was a really fun project to do with my mom.